Des cartes libres et gratuites sur le Web, alternatives aux maps Google et Apple, pour trouver un commerce, un lieu, visiter une ville, calculer un trajet À pieds, en velo, en transport en commun, en train. Dans un premier temps, l'accent est mis sur la France hexagonale.
it's quite a big statement to call something "google maps alternative" when I search for restaurants in my area and only 2 appear, when in google maps there are dozens of them...
Hi ! The quality of the results depends entirely of OpenStreetMap. The bad news is that in some cities, lots of places are indeed missing. The good news is that anybody can add them to OpenStreetMap and they will be listed on https://cartes.app, on OrganicMaps, Osmand, and other map application that share the OSM database. Also, note that if OSM lacks commercial places compared to Google maps, the quality of the geographic mappings (roads, paths) if often better in OSM at least outside of the US. As for the "google maps alternative" title, indeed only Apple can invest the 10 billion dollars needed to make a strong alternative to Gmaps. We haven't gathered funding yet, we're starting local with an emphasis on France and French.