Be proactive about your health. Empirical helps you prevent and manage chronic illnesses like long covid, sleep apnea, and various heart conditions. Draft a personalized care plan with AI, then review it with a real licensed medical doctor.
Shoot me a note (see profile for LinkedIn) if you want some eyes before or after launch of the new landing page. I'd be happy to help.
It looks cool. I might not be the target audience but I'm not sure what it does above the fold on the landing page. Your "About" here was more helpful getting me to what this is doing. I'm guessing people that come to the landing page are the target audience so they're primed but coming in cold it looks pretty and has buzz-words but didn't tell me much. Huge props to not shouting "AI" all over the page, though. I'm rooting for you! We need changes in healthcare. Good luck.
Thank you! This is helpful feedback -- we're working in a revision to the landing page that makes what we do more concrete.
Looks useful!