Make money with your website - add a sponsor button to your site.
SponsorApp is like BuyMeACoffee, but when users choose to support the site, they receive the option to promote something on your site, like an advertisement. The ad will be displayed as a banner, or as a toast, you choose. You decide the price.
This increases the rate at which users choose to support you, in the end giving you more revenue. Think of it like a mix between BuyMeACoffee and AdSense, taking the best parts of both an making it into a product.
Whether you're running a free tool, a blog, or any site with an engaged audience, SponsorApp makes it easy monetize!
I'd love to hear your thoughts, feedback, or ideas for improvement, we still have a lot more work to do to rival the big players, but advertising has become such a bad part of the web and we really need to democratize and change it "¼ï¸
Thank you for checking out SponsorApp - your support means the world! â¤ï¸
Oh, that's great!
Website are constantly looking for ways to monetize. The ability to create ad campaigns makes it an interesting alternative to buymeacoffee.
i need this for needforreadforspeed.com
Seems like an interesting wrinkle on buymeacoffee. How'd you decide on 10% commission vs. the 5% that they went with?
This is a good idea! Do you have any safety or moderation policies for what can be promoted?
Excited to try this on goplumeria.com!
Cool product. I will definitely try it.
Trying this out!
i like it
Very innovative idea!
Cool! Shall investigate this.
Very cool idea! Always keen to find alternatives to monetising my site
++ agree => Adding this to my list
Interesting idea! Having anyone be able to add a message to my site feels a little scary though, but the payment certainly helps offset the risk a little
Thanks! All messages are moderated with openai, disallowing any sexual or spammy content. I found it works extremely well.
I like this idea :)
Awesome idea ! Could be really great for open source sponsoring !
Awesome product! Going to implement this on here too.
Thanks, glad to hear that! Be sure to tell us if you got any feedback, it is extremely valuable!